(859) 635-5680

(859) 635-5680
man with wheel barrel dumping dirt and gravel

4 of the Best Ways to Use Fill Dirt for Landscaping and Construction Projects…

man with wheel barrel dumping dirt and gravelYou may be thinking isn’t dirt just dirt? Well actually, no. You have dirt that consists of materials that make its use better for some things versus others. An example would be garden soil and topsoil. You would use these in your yards and gardens as they are full of nutrients to assist in growing plants.

What Is In Fill Dirt?

Fill dirt is used primarily to build up an area of the ground on construction sites. It is made up of subsoil and is found approximately one foot below the topsoil. Consisting of sand, silt, clay, and other materials found in the ground. This dirt is ideal for fill because it is less likely to decompose and settle as other dirt may. This is also less expensive than other types of dirt.

Here Are Some Of The Best Ways To Use Fill Dirt

  • Preparing a Site for a Home or Structure – When building any type of structure, you need a solid base. Fill dirt is free of organic materials and makes it suitable for this purpose. It is used to fill in any low spots or holes that were created when prepping the ground for building.
  • Elevation – Fill dirt packs really well and doesn’t decompose. It is perfect for changing elevations on your property. You can create mounds for privacy, build embankments, and fill in low spots where needed.
  • Fix Drainage Issues – Fill dirt can be used to correct poor drainage and keep water from getting into your home or foundation. To ensure this doesn’t happen, you need the ground to slope at all angles, away from your home, and drop at least two inches for every ten feet.
  • Provides Support – When building a retaining wall, use fill dirt to back-fill the uphill side and it can provide excellent support for many years. When excavating for your in-ground pool, fill dirt will give a solid and level ground for the pool.

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About Bray Topsoil & Gravel

Topsoil and gravel delivered to you by Bray Trucking, a specialized aggregate hauler servicing the Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana region.
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