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5 Landscaping Materials That Can Improve Your Property

Great landscaping can boost property curb appeal and value. These handpicked, local landscape materials can completely transform your home or commercial site to increase the aesthetic appeal and value of your property. The following are some landscaping supplies that can be delivered to you…

Landscaping Sand and Soil

If you are planning your landscaping project, there are certain materials that are indispensable for creating successful outdoor areas. Sand is a natural material that serves several purposes. In some instances, sand is a good solution for different gardening projects, such as amending soil to provide better-draining soils, mixing quartz sand with garden soil and organic matter will do the trick.

Crushed Concrete

Ensuring a proper base is the first step for providing stability to a property. Crushed limestone and concrete work great for leveling. Crushed concrete is also great for interlocking patio blocks and pavers.


Field stone, limerock, and granite are the most common large rocks available. Boulders make great accent pieces in your landscaping design. They can be used to build natural looking retaining walls, to form tree rings, or to fill areas that may be prone to erosion.

Landscape Mulch

The best time-saving measure a gardener can take is applying mulch. This goes for everywhere from vegetable gardens to flower beds. Mulched gardens grow healthier, have fewer weeds, and resist drought better than unmulched ones. Done properly, it will allow you to spend less time watering, weeding, and fighting pest problems. Using the freshest type mulch is key for mulch usage.

Decorative Rocks

If you are wanting to add a unique touch to your outdoor space, stones can be a great addition to your landscape makeover. Landscaping rocks can be used for a variety of purposes such as decorating a fountain or creating a path. The possibilities are endless.

The bottom line is landscaping can be a great asset to any outdoor space. There are many budget-friendly gardening designs to recreate if you are willing to be a bit creative. We hope the options we have listed will help you with your landscaping decisions.

Bray Topsoil & Gravel can deliver our gravel and topsoil to you in the Greater Cincinnati Area!

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Topsoil and gravel delivered to you by Bray Trucking, a specialized aggregate hauler servicing the Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana region.

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