Landscaping Tips: Using Gravel in Your Yard & Around Your Home
Gravel serves a variety of purposes in your landscaping and around your house. The following are some ways to use gravel as a hardscaping element that keeps projects more affordable and looking great… Gravel Paired With Stone Gravel can fill the gaps between...
Gravel Driveway: Pros and Cons For Installing and Maintaining
With proper care and maintenance, a gravel driveway can last up to 100 years. That’s because there’s just so little that can go wrong with gravel. Unlike a solid asphalt or concrete driveway, it’s not going to crack or sink. Though concrete and...
5 Landscaping Materials That Can Improve Your Property
Great landscaping can boost property curb appeal and value. These handpicked, local landscape materials can completely transform your home or commercial site to increase the aesthetic appeal and value of your property. The following are some landscaping supplies that...
3 Environmentally Friendly Material Options For Your Driveway
You can choose environmentally friendly options for nearly any part of your home, including the driveway. A “green” driveway has a few particular goals. It helps control runoff, prevent flooding and replenish ground water by allowing water to penetrate...