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(859) 635-5680
cut out of grass and layers of topsoil and fill dirt

How To Level Your Lawn With Soil and Sand…

cut out of grass and dirtOvertime, rain and water drainage can wreak havoc on your lawn. Areas become unlevel and small dips and crevices appear. Before your yard reaches a point that requires major efforts, there are some simple fixes you can do to level out your lawn and prevent further unevenness. Topdressing, or adding a small layer of a mixture of soil, compost, and sand, is a great solution for minor cases of unevenness. For lawns that already have substantial depressions and divots, multiple layers of topdressing, or the adding of fill dirt in deep crevices and pits may be required. Once you add fill dirt, you can seed over these areas to quickly regain grass on your beautiful lawn. Make sure you use the topdressing method in the spring, when conditions are just right to promote new grass growth.

How To Topdress Your Lawn

You can get all the materials you need to level your lawn locally. Topdressing mixture is typically a mixture of compost and topsoil. Your lawn location may vary slightly, so confer with a local company to see what works best for water drainage in your area. Once you buy materials, mix the topsoil, sand, and compost thoroughly in a wheelbarrow. Add up to a half an inch of your mixture in the lower laying areas, ensuring to not add more than this, so the grass can continue to grow underneath. Using a rake, spread out and feather in your topdressing mixture until your lawn looks more even. Using the rake, bring the grass blades through the mixture, poking through to the sun. When you are finished, lightly water the area with your garden hose, making sure to not wash away your new top-dressed areas. You should see the grass fill in and the bare spots disappear within a couple weeks! Repeat this process as often as necessary, a half an inch at a time, throughout the spring, and over the years, to keep your lawn level and looking fresh!

Deeper Issues

If your lawn has deeper impressions or holes that you feel topdressing may not solve, you can still use fill dirt and topsoil as mentioned previously, but you will have to wait a little longer for new grass growth. Seeding the area over deeper holes will ensure you get faster results. You may also need to consult a professional if a broken pipe or water drainage issue continues to deepen the areas in your yard that are uneven.

How To Level Your Lawn

Watch how the Lawn Rebel levels a lawn…

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About Bray Topsoil & Gravel

Topsoil and gravel delivered to you by Bray Trucking, a specialized aggregate hauler servicing the Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana region.
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